Our phone also has events! You can either listen to them or trigger them.
Listenable events
AddEventHandler("high_phone:openPhone", function()
print("Phone has been opened")
Client-sided event. Triggers when the phone is opened.
AddEventHandler("high_phone:closePhone", function()
print("Phone has been closed")
Client-sided event. Triggers when the phone is closed.
Triggerable events
-- Client-sided code:
TriggerServerEvent("high_phone:sendMailFromServer", senderData, subject, content, attachments)
-- Server-sided code:
TriggerEvent("high_phone:sendMailFromServer", senderData, subject, content, attachments, source)
Server-sided event. Sends a mail into your/player's phone if he has a mail account logged.
Can't be empty - *
Argument number
Argument name
Example value
address = "",
name = "Bank",
photo = ""
"You have received $ 100"
{image = ""}
-- Server-sided code:
TriggerEvent("high_phone:sendOfflineMailFromServerToAddress", address, senderData, subject, content, attachments)
Server-sided event. Sends a mail into an offline player's mail account.
Can't be empty - *
Argument number
Argument name
Example value
address = "",
name = "Bank",
photo = ""
"You have received $ 100"
{image = ""}
-- Server-sided code:
TriggerEvent("high_phone:sendMailFromServer", identifier, senderData, subject, content, attachments)
Server-sided event. Sends a mail into an offline player's phone if he has a mail account logged.
Can't be empty - *
Argument number
Argument name
Example value
address = "",
name = "Bank",
photo = ""
"You have received $ 100"
{image = ""}
Client-sided event. Shares your own contact details to the nearest player. Max distance can be configured in high_phone/config.lua
TriggerEvent("high_phone:updateData") -- Client-side
TriggerClientEvent("high_phone:updateData", source) -- Server-side
Client-sided event. Updates the player's phone data.abs
-- Client-sided code
TriggerEvent("high_phone:receivedMessage", number, content, attachments)
-- Server-sided code
TriggerClientEvent("high_phone:receivedMessage", source, number, content, attachments)
Client-sided event. Manipulates a receival of a message (sends a message to your phone from a specified number)
Can't be empty - *
Argument number
Argument name
Example value
{image = ""}})
TriggerServerEvent("high_phone:sendMessage", number, content, attachments)
Server-sided event. Sends a message to a specified number.
Can't be empty - *
Argument number
Argument name
Example value
json.encode({image = ""})
This is different from other phones, here you have to send the location in the content with this code:
string.format("(GPS:%s,%s)", x, y) -- x,y being the coordinates of the location
For example if you want to send the location, an example of the code would be:
"Person dead at" .. string.format("(GPS:%s,%s)", 123.0, 123.0)
Make sure you replace 123.0, 123.0
with the actual coordinates!
Lets say you want to attach an image to the message, use this table to add messages:
{image = ""}
A whole event example:
"Here's an attachment",
{image = ""}
TriggerServerEvent("high_phone:postTweet", title, content, image)
Server-sided event. Posts a tweet from player's phone in twitter app.
Can't be empty - *
Argument number
Argument name
Example value
"" or ""